Dipl.-Ing. Foundry Science

Ludwig “Lutz” Habbel

German Patent Attorney, European Patent Attorney,
European Trademark and Design Attorney

Working in the field of intellectual property rights since 1986

University: Clausthal-Zellerfeld University of Technology

Practical Experience: Development work in the field of casting crankshafts, activities in the areas of offshore drilling technology as well as light metal and iron casting

Technical Fields: Foundry technology, plastics processing, vehicle technology, mechanical engineering, general mechanics

Memberships: GRUR, FICPI

„As a counterbalance to desk work, the bicycle is the number 1 means of transport in Münster – after a hard day at work, you can also take a detour along the renatured Aa. As a further balance, I find it relaxing and enriching to create something with my hands, not only in model making, but especially when doing crafts on a “1:1 scale”, where it is always important to analyze cause and effect and technical connections to recognize, e.g. B. when troubleshooting old cars.“ 

Areas of Expertise