Dr. Sabine Kossak
German Patent Attorney, European Patent Attorney,
European Trademark and Design Attorney
Working in the field of intellectual property rights since 2000
University: Universität-Gesamthochschule Paderborn / Universität Hamburg
Practical Experience: Polymer reaction engineering, reaction calorimetry of polymerizations; development work in the field of solution polymerization of automotive coatings including modeling of polymerization processes and CFD simulation; isolation and synthesis of natural substances; Internship turning and milling work in a metal processing company
Technical Fields: Chemistry, process engineering, plastics processing, pharmaceuticals, medical technology, mechanical engineering, general mechanics
Co-Chair GRUR Committee „Design law“
AIPPI Standing Committee „Digital Economy” (Member)
IPO Committee “Industrial Designs” (Member)
AIPLA Committee “IP Practice in Europe” (Member)
“Whenever I was able to accompany my father to the workshops as a child, I would marvel wide-eyed at the numerous machines and production processes, be they milling machines or welding robots. To this day I am still fascinated by the process of an invention’s creation from the small molecule to the large-scale technical process. As a patent attorney, this fascination is part of my daily work, especially when I can be part of a development process.
In my leisure time I practice the Chinese martial art of Tai Chi Chuan. Concentration and focus are necessary to execute the movements in Tai Chi correctly, especially when practicing weapon forms. The ability to focus and concentrate helps me in my work for my clients, even when it gets stormy, which happens rather frequently in my beautiful city, Hamburg.”