Guide – Olbricht File Exchange

To exchange files with Olbricht Patent Attorneys, we offer a secure file exchange tool that runs on our in-house servers at our headquarters in Frankfurt (Germany).

You will receive a link and a password from us to access the file exchange. Open the link in your browser and enter the password. If you are the first representative of your organization to log in, you will start with an empty folder.

You can create new subfolders using the “+” symbol at the top left. Enter the folder name directly in the context menu and click on the arrow.

You can open the folder by simply clicking on it.

To upload a new file, use the “+” symbol as well. Click on “Upload file” and select a file from your file system.

At the right of the “+” symbol the message “Upload file…” appears for a short moment. After the upload is complete the successfully uploaded file is displayed. Olbricht Patent Attorneys is now able to access the file.

Note: Possibly other users from your company also may access the uploaded files. If further access restrictions for the file exchange are necessary, e.g. according to organizational units in your company, please notify us.